Code: QX107789

DST-1000 Acid Purifcation System, 230 V

Previous QMX Code: 525-1000-230UK

The Savillex DST-1000 Acid Purification System is the ultimate unit for laboratory production of ultra-pure acids or water.

The DST-1000 can produce 500ml of high purity HNO3, HCl or HF (or water) in approximately 12 hours and depending upon your laboratories’ acid needs, it can pay for itself in as little as a few months or even weeks.

It is supplied complete with everything required to distil ultra-pure acid. The DST-1000 package includes a built-in heating source, separate heating control unit, solid stand, necessary fittings, bottle bracket, GL45 transfer closure, and a 1,000ml Savillex PFA collection bottle.

Unit Size: 1
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