General Labware

With the widest range of PFA labware of any manufacturer, thousands of labs around the world depend on Savillex in their daily operations.
The chemical compatibility, wide working temperature range and cleanliness of PFA makes it the perfect choice for almost every application.
From tough, low-form griffin style Beakers with flared spout for direct use on a heating surface to Volumetric Flasks that are highly transparent, easy to clean, and meet Class A tolerances, Savillex inert PFA sample collection and laboratory products are ideal for almost every laboratory.
Provide for leak-free tubing connections Service temperature range of PFA is -328 °F to 500 °F (-200 °C to 260 °C)
Constructed of reinforced polypropylene Designed to aid with filter construction and disassembly Two wrenches per set  
Ferrule cap nuts are used to seal off tubing connection Service temperature range of PFA is -328 °F to 500 °F (-200 °C to 260 °C)
Molded PFA construction Designed to fit most standard 1000ul pipettes 0.8 mm orifice Service temperature range of PFA is -328 °F to 500 °F (-200 °C to 260 &de...
Molded of green polypropylene 10 openings designed to organise vials Tray will accommodate 15, 22, 30 and 60 ml Savillex vials Includes ID cards
Molded of green polypropylene 10 openings designed to organise vials Tray will accommodate 3, 5, 6, and 7 mL Savillex vials Includes ID cards  
For use with EPA and other air sampling protocols Comes with closure listed in description Side port with tubing stop and top port for tube pass-thru Service temperature...
Molded handling rim and pour spout Flat exterior designed for hot plate heating Graduation marks every 25 ml Service temperature range of PFA is -328 °F to 500 °F...
10 ml barrel with female leur‑lock attachment Can be used with 13 mm filters and dispensing tube Integral plunger manufactured of high purity PTFE Service temperature ra...
Maximum service temperature for PFA is 545°F/285°C Use heavy wall tubing for permanent connections Tubing is flexible and transparent
Constructed of reinforced polypropylene Designed to aid with construction, sealing, and disassembling of column components, digestion vessels, impingers, and filter holder/...
Provide for leak-free tubing connections Service temperature range of PFA is -328 °F to 500 °F (-200 °C to 260 °C)